
How to connect

To connect to the server, you need to have a copy of the game installed on your computer. You can download the game from the official osu! website.

  1. Locale the osu!.exe file on in game directory.
  2. Create a shortcut of the file.
  3. Right click on the shortcut and select properties.
  4. In the target field, add -devserver at the end of the path.
  5. Click apply and then OK.
  6. Double click on the shortcut to start the game.
osu connect image

Can I have multiple accounts?

No. You are only allowed to have one account per person.

If you are caught with multiple accounts, you will be banned from the server.

Can I use cheats or hacks?

No. You will be banned if you are caught.

We are very strict on cheating and do not tolerate it at all.
If you suspect someone of cheating, please report them to the staff.

I think I was restricted unfairly. How can I appeal?

If you believe you were restricted unfairly, you can appeal your restriction by contacting the staff with your case. You can contact the staff here.

Can I contribute/suggest changes to the server?

Yes! We are always open to suggestions.

If you have any suggestions, please submit them at our GitHub page.
Longterm contributors can also have chance to get permanent supporter tag.

I can’t download maps when I’m in multiplayer, but I can download them from the main menu

Disable Automatically start osu!direct downloads from the options and try again.